Monthly Archives: August 2011

First doctor visit


Grandma Kelly came up yesterday to help me take both Esme and Carly to the pediatrician. Esme went in for her 18-month well-baby check; Carly for her seven-day. Both girls are completely healthy. Esme is above-average in height and head circumference and has gained enough weight to jump to the 39th percentile! She barely cried when she got her vaccine!

Carly is gaining weight at an ounce per day and should be back to birth weight by the time she’s two weeks old…right on schedule!

She’s here!



Carly Mae Reeves! Carly was born on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11:02 a.m. She weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and was 22 inches long.

Carly was born via a planned cesarean section. She and I were in the hospital until Thursday afternoon while her daddy and grandparents looked after big sister Esme. Esme is enjoying being a big sister. She likes to give Carly “kisses” and it didn’t take her long to come up with an appropriate catch-phrase during the new baby’s crying jags: “Baby sad.”

New baby, new blog!


There’s a new face in our family, and we’ve created a new blog to reflect this special addition! Formerly Reeves 3.0 and accessible at, our family’s comings and goings will now be chronicled as Reeves 4.0 at (Obviously, I’m very creative.)
